Suggestions for new (used) cheap VoLTE phone

Looking for something under $100 dollars to meet the need by the end of the year.

Have been thinking about the LG Aristo 2 Plus (or I think there's a "3" or "4" model by now). Plus I would need to probably get a new SIM for it since the current one is a micro size and I'm sure any new phones are nano. Wondering if a T-Mo store will program a new SIM if I get it from another source, or what the best way to accomplish that is.

My other phones on other networks are cheap LGs and I'm fine with that. I'm also aware of the available Motos. I just need to have LTE/VoLTE capable tech that includes bands 12 & 71, and the Aristo 2 Plus (and its newer iterations) does that. Forget 5G.

If I have to go used from eBay to get the right price that's fine too. I've done that before.